safety polıcy

BACO is dedicated to accomplish a supreme policy through efforts, from the president to the lowest level of supervisors, for a safe working environment in all the projects the Company undertakes.
Achievement of full safety and health standards throughout our organization is the primary concern of our management. The Safety and Health Standards Directive, The Safety Plan, The Safety Instructions and Hazard Analysis Plans are particularly enforced and looked after through periodical meetings, training programs, inspection and management supervision.

Construction works may be considered naturally hazardous and thus our policy is to take every precaution to protect our employees and or third persons from injuries, on or off the job site. To achieve these goals, the Company is very keen to support its safety program and will not be hampered by funds expenditures.

The Company’s management has long adopted and continues to believe that SAFETY IS FIRST AND FOREMOST.


The objective of the safety plan is to establish and implement safety health standards, and requirements for the prevention of accidents, fires and hazards for personnel engaged in the construction works to include, administrative personnel, visitors and occupants.

All provisions of the US Army Corps of Engineers “Safety and Health Requirements Manual” and the “Turkish Construction Workers - Health and Work Safety Regulations” are confirmed and these rules are strictly followed during the construction.

​The Safety Engineer is responsible for the implementation of the plan and for the prevention of accidents and safety hazards. He reports directly to the Site Manager. The detailed Safety Plan of the Company is improved continuously to keep up with the recent developments in safety engineering and is provided among the management plan for each project.